
Capidava-Ovidiu known also as Falia Palazu, Falia Ianca-Palazu


Diaconescu M. 1


Diaconescu M.1, Craiu A.1, Constantinescu E.G.1, Banu D.M.1


Jianu O. 1


Constantinescu E.G. 1


1 National Institute for Earth Physics, 12 Calugareni str., Magurele, Romania






Contact line between Central Dobrogea and South Dobrogea

Total length (km)



Inferred from regional tectonic considerations [5]

Wide (km)



Inferred from earthquakes distribution [5]

Minimum depth (km)



Inferred from earthquakes distribution [5]

Maximum depth (km)



Inferred from earthquakes distribution[5]

Strike (degree)



Based on fault plane solutions, earthquake no.37, table 2 in [5]




Based on fault plane solutions, earthquake no.37, table 2 in [5]




Based on fault plane solutions, earthquake no.37, table 2 in [5]

Slip rate (mm/year)




Max magnitude(Mw)

4.5 Mb



Derived from maximum magnitude of associated individual source(s)



The Capidava-Ovidiu Fault (also known as the Palazu Fault or the Ianca-Palazu Fault) is a dextral strike slip crustal fault, oriented NW - SE, which separates, within the Moesic Platform, two compartments with special basements and sedimentary covers: the northern compartment (Dobrogea Central) and the southern (South Dobrogea). In the precontinental area, initially, it has a NW-SE orientation, then the direction changes to the east, coming into contact with the North-Dobrogean Orogen [8].

The Capidava-Ovidiu Fault, along with other crustal faults of Dobrogea (Peceneaga-Camena, Intramoesică), played a major role during the opening of the Black Sea and the formation of the Carpathians, from the Cretaceous to the Neogene. Including the strong east-concave shape of the Southern Carpathians, it is supposed to be the result of the sliding in the W-NW direction of the Moesian plate on the Dobrogea faults, including the Capidava-Ovidiu Fault, displacement due to the opening of the western Black Sea basin during the Cretaceous [1 , 9, 15, 17]. Activity along this fault ceased with the opening of the western Black Sea Basin [6].

It is part of the system of subcrustal, pre-Jurassic fractures, characteristic of Southern Dobrogea, oriented NW-SE, with a regional character, which extend from the west to the Black Sea shelf and which produced vertical bumps and horizontal translations to the NE: the Fault Capidava - Ovidiu (or Ianca - Palazu), Smirna - Agigea Fault (or North Agigea), Brăgăreasa - Eforie Fault and Lipia - Mangalia Fault [13, 18]. This fault system is driven to the NW in the Vrancea tectonic movements, representing areas where the outbreaks are located [8]. The Capidava-Ovidiu fault, of Baikalian age, is a deep dislocation that crosses the Conrad discontinuity [2, 5, 14] and which caused the dextral horizontal movement of the blocks it separates [10, 11, 18].
The Capidava-Ovidiu Fault has as its western extremity the intersection with the Trotușului Fault, and to the east it extends to the Black Sea platform. The Capidava-Ovidiu Fault is cut off by the Constanța Fault, a transversal fault, parallel to the Black Sea shore, which is superimposed on the "Voiteşti Flexure", a fact that led to the uplift and southward displacement of the eastern compartment [16] and intercepts the Fierbinti fault between the localities of Călăreți and Belciugatele [11].

The Capidava-Ovidiu Fault is an active fault, characterized by a significant but moderate seismic activity, the area between the Intramoesic and Capidava-Ovidiu Faults being characterized by numerous earthquakes, but of low magnitudes Mw = 2.0 ÷ 3.0, with the foci clustered along the direction of the fault (some events being suspected to be explosions in existing quarries in the area). Only a few earthquakes with magnitude Mw ≥ 3.0 were recorded in this area, with epicenters in Tomşani, Urziceni, Baba Ana, Căzănești, Rădulești (eg: the earthquake of January 4, 1960, with Mw=5.4 from Căzănești).

The Capidava-Ovidiu fault has very weak seismic activity on the central-Dobrogean segment, but the stresses are significantly amplified only on the Vrancean segment of the fault, which proves that only the internal processes in the paleo-subducted lithospheric block and in the process of detaching are the ones that influence the dynamics of the earth's crust, even if over time the fault has played a significant role in the evolution of the tectonics of Dobrogea. It is considered by some researchers that the northeastern sector of the Capidava-Ovidiu Fault stiffened later, during the Hercynian orogeny. [8]

In the area between the Capidava-Ovidiu and Peceneaga-Camena Faults, numerous historical earthquakes were identified (with 5 ≤ Mw ≤ 6 (in 1276, 1900, 1942, 1943, 1960, 1967), however, after the installation of the seismic network, it was recorded in this area only one earthquake with magnitude Mw=3.4 on June 12, 1990.



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